Friday, January 15, 2010

CEO Cynthia Wiggins Responds, and Exposes Her Real Interests

(Below is the Response of Cynthia Wiggins, CEO of the Guste Resident Management Corporation to our earlier demand that she be removed as part of the New Orleans Public Housing Delegation that will meet with HUD on January 20, 2010 in Washington, D.C. She does a great job in confirming what we have said--she is concerned about her class interessts as a landlord, rather than the interests of Public Housing residents, and those that want to expand and defend Public Housing.)

Jay in response to your attempt to misepresent what is factual let me advise you that Cynthia Wiggins has no affiliation with thirteen corporations. I'm not the only Cynthia Wiggins in La let along the country. However I'll let you determine which ones I am affiliated with.

Who ever we is for a point of information the Guste Homes RMC is a non profit corporations developed for the sole purpose of managing public housing in accordance with federal regulation developed under the leadership of former Sec. Jack Kemp. To date there is 350 public housing properties managed by RESIDENTS organized under the direction of Jack Kemp. All of us are doing very well and all of us have financial interest if not we would not be able to employ residents, create economic and or business opportunity for residents nor would we be able to create healthy enviroments for the families that live in public housing. I promote resident management and not private management. You figure out the difference!

The voice of the public housing movement is the families that live in public housing who is crying out for decent safe and sanitary housing, which the families in Iberville and all the others have not seen for decades. What is criminal here is that the families that live in Iberville is subjected to inhumane living conditions i.e raw sewage, rodents, detoraiting apartments, crime, poor management. The Citywide TenantAssociation and Guste Homes have always demanded that HUD and HANO redeveloped the complexes through redevelopment. Families living in public housing deserve to live in decent housing and the conditions Iberville famlies are currently living in Jay is criminal. You would not know that because you live in New York and I'm certain the grant funds you receive help in your financial assistance to maintain you and your wonderful living enviroment.

Everything changes and public housing is changing. The lack of federal assistance has changed therefore our families must ensure they are able to care for their families for its there personal responsibility. When there children can't eat who's going to provide for them. When there is no real afforable housing who's going to assist them. Katrina was the wake up call for our families. You talk about demand it was Citywide Tenant Association that demanded that public housing in New Orleans be reopen. HUD had proposed to close all of them down even Guste. It was Constance Haynes and her residents that return back homes after a call from me to get back home or Fscher would be close down that backed HUD and HANO off Fischer. It was through our RESIDENT MANAGEMENT arrangement that BW Cooper and Guste Homes was reopen.

As a reminder Jay Guste Homes finance Survivor Village under Endesha and provided needed space and supplies. Also since you want to appear you can quote individuals, quote my comments at the City Council meeting.

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